Implementasi Pendidikan Agama Islam Inklusi di Raudhatul Athfal (RA) Kota Batam


  • Yuli Fatimah Warosari STAI Ibnu Sina Batam
  • Mahligai Candra Putri STAI Ibnu Sina Batam
  • Mery STAI Ibnu Sina Batam


Implementation, Religious Education, Raudhatul Athfal (RA), Inclusion


The implementation of inclusive Islamic religious education at Raudhatul Athfal (RA) is an important step to ensure that every child, including those with special needs, gets equal rights in education. This research aims to explore the implementation of inclusive Islamic religious education in RA, identify the challenges faced, and collect best practices that can be implemented. Through a qualitative approach using the case study method, data was collected through in-depth interviews, class observations, and document analysis at several RAs that have implemented inclusive education.The research results show that curriculum adaptation, teacher training, and collaboration between teachers, parents, and specialists are key factors in the success of inclusive education. Challenges faced include limited resources, lack of adequate training, and social stigma. However, identified good practices include flexible curriculum development, ongoing training for teachers, and inclusive learning environments.This research concludes that to improve the quality of inclusive education in RA, adaptive curriculum adjustments, continuous teacher training, and effective collaboration between all parties involved are needed. By adopting this approach, RA can provide inclusive Islamic religious education, supporting all children to reach their full potential in accordance with the principles of justice and equality in Islam


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