The Importance of School Well-Being at Raudhatul Athfal
School Well-Being, Raudhatul AthfalAbstract
This research aims to implement school well-being at Raudhatul Athfal. The phenomenon of the implementation of school well-being is rarely explored in depth within educational institutions. In fact, a well-being school is an ideal concept for implementation in the world of education. The concept of school well-being consists of four dimensions that can be applied, namely having (school conditions), loving (social relationships), being (self-fulfilment), and health. The result of this literature study is that all stakeholders should pay attention to the condition of the entire physical school environment, which provides a sense of safety and comfort for students in their learning. This can be reviewed from the school curriculum, teaching models and methods, the teacher's teaching strategies, as well as teacher competencies based on educational regulations and Islamic principles. Then, the social relationships of students that can receive full attention, such as social relationships among peers, the social adaptation of early childhood considering the beginning of the child's socio-emotional development in early childhood education.. Furthermore, the relationship between school and home, the school climate has an impact on students' well-being. The importance of how schools offer education for self-actualisation. Schools need to support programmes that focus on enhancing the degree of Islam with a focus on the health goals of students so that students can learn in a physically and mentally healthy condition.
Keyword: School Wll-Being, Raudhatul Athfal
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